Your Privacy

We want to make this as simple as possible for you and us.

We only store a record of each sale, individually, with the email address you provide and the IP address used to make that purchase.

We do not provide the ability to "Create an Account" for a number of reasons:

  1. We value your privacy
  2. We have no desire to be responsible for the safe keeping of your personal information
  3. We have no desire to attempt to contact you in the future except in response to questions you may have
  4. Our sales model is "Get it when you need it", making the purchase as simple as possible for you and us
  5. We only accept PayPal () so your personal info is there, not here

We will not:

  1. Specifically attempt to gather any information from you
  2. Provide any information we gather about you to ANYONE except where required by law
  3. Display any information we have about you to ANYONE except you during your purchase process

Copyright © 2024 SoundHo. All rights reserved.